September 2024:
Congratulations to Sol Haizel for receiving the T32 Post-doctoral Training Fellowship!
March 2024:
We celebrate 3 publications this month!
1. Smruti Pushalkar/Shaohuan Wu’s analysis of COVID convalescents
2. Ana Fiore/Shuvadeep Maity’s analysis of the differential stress response in induced motor neurons
3. Or collaborator’s (and Justin Rendleman’s/Christine Vogel’s) work on an expanded model of ATF4 regulation
December 2023
Congratulations to Alice Ko, Joanetta Jean-Baptiste, Sasha Khazhinsky, and Anthony Widjaja on receiving the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund!
April 2023:
Smruti got the NYU Research Catalyst Prize. Congratulations, Smruti!
December 2021:
Another PhD from the Vogel Lab: Kristina Allgoewer successfully defended her dissertation on proteomic signatures in serum of Zika and dengue patients! Kristina originally joined the lab in 2016 as a visiting Master’s student and stayed on for another 4 years as a visiting doctoral student in a collaboration with the Ohler lab (Humboldt University of Berlin/MDC).
May 2021:
Two new PhDs from the Vogel Lab: Congratulations to Burcu Vitrinel and Justin Rendleman on successfully defending their theses!
March 2021:
ASBMB Today is reporting on our recently published article on new proteomic signatures to distinguish between Zika and dengue infections (Allgoewer et al.) in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. In a collaboration between the Vogel lab (proteomics) and the Ghedin lab (genomics) we were able to retrieve robust conclusions from a challenging data set.

February 2021:
The Vogel lab identifies new proteomic signatures to distinguish between Zika and dengue infections using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry: Kristina Allgoewer and Shuvadeep Maity publish their analysis of human serum samples from Zika and dengue patients in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. Three of the differentially expressed proteins, i.e. Fibrinogen Alpha, Platelet Factor 4 Variant 1, and Pro-Platelet Basic Protein, predict Zika virus infection at a ∼70% true positive and 6% false positive rate.

December 2020:
Congratulations to Funda Kar, who was awarded the NYU Biology Department Chair’s Fellowship for demonstrating outstanding research potential!
August 2020:
We are proud to be part of the Chan Zuckerberg Neurodegeneration Challenge Network with our our collaborator Esteban Mazzoni (NYU Biology). The project investigates new functions of the proteasome, started by former lab member Shuvadeep Maity (now faculty at BITS Pilani).
Congratulations to former lab member Gustavo Silva (now faculty at Duke University) for publication of his work on the structural changes in the K63 ubiquitinated ribosome.
June 2020:
A new proteomics workflow from the Vogel Lab: Burcu Vitrinel publishes a protein quantification method in ACS Omega. The workflow uses chemical peptide labeling, does not require specific equipment other than cell lysis tools, and quantifies >2500 proteins with high reproducibility.

December 2019:
Congrats to Burcu Vitrinel on receiving the Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship!
October 2019:
We are excited to participate in a nation-wide effort to understand the response to flu vaccines!

September 2019:
Congrats to Justin Rendleman on receiving the Steve Kazianis Memorial Award!
Congrats to Burcu Vitrinel on receiving the Fleur Strand Graduate Fellowship!
August 2019:
The Vogel Lab appears in a Technology Feature in Nature Methods: “A dream of single-cell proteomics”.
Congratulations to Burcu Vitrinel, Funda Kar, Shuvadeep Maity, and Justin Rendleman on the publication of the minireview “Exploiting Interdata Relationships in Next-generation Proteomics Analysis”!
March / April 2019:
We welcome Dan Munro, a new postdoc, to our lab! Congratulations to Burcu Vitrinel for achieving the best flash talk award at the Woodshole Meeting and to Amy Lei for receiving the Master’s research grant!
December 2018:
Congratulations to Justin Rendleman for receiving the Dean’s Dissertation award! And to Kristen Avallone, Prianka Saha, and Juan Pelez for receiving the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
October 2018:
Congratulations to Justin Rendleman, Zhe Cheng, and Shuvadeep Maity, on the publication of “New insights into the cellular temporal response to proteostatic stress” in Elife!
September 2018:
Congratulations, Burcu Vitrinel, on receiving the Dr Charlotte A. Pann Memorial Award of NYU’s Department of Biology!
July 2018:
Burcu Vitrinel received a predoctoral fellowship by the American Heart Association! Congratulations!
May 2018:
Matteo (Yunbin) Zhang and Amy Lei presented posters on their work during the Undergraduate Research Conference.

And we’re celebrating Konstantine Tchourine’s PhD defense. Congratulations, Kostya!
March/April 2018:
Burcu Vitrinel and Funda Mujgan Kar received a travel award for the first annual North American mass spectrometry summer school! Congratulations!
February 2018:
Konstantine Tchourine’s paper was accepted at Cell Reports. Shuvadeep Maity and Burcu Vitrinel received travel fellowships for US HUPO. Kristina Allgoewer received the DAAD Graduate Student Fellowship (German Academic Exchange Organization). Matteo (Yunbin) Zhang was accepted into the Data Science Master’s program at Harvard. Manar Elzaky received the NYU Master’s Students Research Award!
And the Vogel lab received an NIH MIRA award. Woo woo woo!
Congratulations everybody!
January 2018:
Happy 7th birthday, Vogel lab!
December 2017:
Congratulations to Guoshou Teo and Matteo (Yunbin) Zhang on their recent publication!
September 2017:
Congratulations to Justin Rendleman for receiving the NYU Biology Department Kopac Service Award!
June/July 2017:
A time to celebrate:
Congratulations to our boss, Associate Professor Christine Vogel, on her tenure!

Congratulations to Gustavo Silva on his new position at Duke University!
And congratulations to Kristina Allgoewer on defending her Master’s thesis!
April/May 2017:
Congratulations to Amy Lei and Matteo (Yunbin) Zhang for receiving the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations to Gustavo Silva for being featured at the Annual Post-doctoral Research Symposium! Welcome to Funda Mujgan Kar to the Vogel-Hochwagen labs and congrats on passing the Qualifying Exam! And finally, congratulations to Kolin Clark for graduating!
January 2017:
Christine (The Boss) was selected as a winner of the 2017 Robert J. Cotter New Investigator Award of the US Human Proteome Organization. Woo woo woo!
December 2016:
Another Vogel lab baby has been born — congratulations to Shuvadeep and Gargi!
October / November 2016:
Congratulations to Zhe Cheng for becoming the first Vogel Lab PhD!!!!! Well done and all the best for the future!
Also congratulations to Koby on his first publication (he is featured in a book).
August 2016:
We won one of Biognosys’ Research Challenge Awards!
July 2016:
We welcome all our summer students: Fabian from Puerto Rico (NYU Bio-SURP), Christy from Ethiopia (NYU GSTEM), and our two NYU K12 ARISE students Chrislie and Shukai from NYC!
June 2016:
Many exciting happenings: we are welcoming Amy, Matteo, and Fabian to our lab — they are our summer research undergraduates and will be pushing the frontiers of science in various ways!
Also, the Vogel lab is part of two (two!!!!!) seedgrants to establish new projects and collaborations: one with Brian Parker sponsored by the NYU Center for Data Science; one with Cristina Alberini (NYU Center for Neural Science) sponsored by the Dean of Science. Woo woo woo!
And finally: we are making progress in getting our Orbi Elite back on track. But that’s a different story…
May 2016:
Kostya, Zhe, and Justin presented posters at the Annual CGSB Symposium — congratulations to Zhe and Justin for winning the Wiley Poster Prize!
April 2016:

Boss on NYU’s Twitter as part of the “Why I’m here” project
January 2016:
News about the news — Zhe’s paper appears everywhere:
- NYU press release:
- Scicast:
- GenEngNews:

And we made the cover!
December 2015 / January 2016:
Zhe’s paper in Molecular Systems Biology was accepted for publication!
August 2015:

Congratulations to Gustavo Silva for receiving an NIH K99 award!!!!!!! Fantastic!
… and other older news :).
But not to forget:
January 11, 2011:
The Vogel lab was born. 🙂