Jobs & Contact

Why join us?
  • We do great science (see Publications).
  • A great summary of our research can be found in this talk as part of the Proteostasis Consortium Seminar Series. 
  • We have a great team (see People). Including honorary lab members.
  • We care.
  • We have fun (occasionally).

Prospective Graduate Students

The first and most important thing you should know is that we accept students not into individual labs, but only into the program and these decisions are made by a committee. So you should be sure that there are at least 3 labs that you would be interested in performing rotations in during your first year.  An individual PI cannot accept you into his/her lab as a PhD student. 

A good application will have a CV with evidence of substantial research experience. In your research statement, you may want to highlight why you’d like to come to this department, e.g. you may like to look at several labs.

You can find application forms online at:

Good luck!

Current Graduate Students

The lab’s research covers a wide range of areas, from computational biology, large-scale proteomics to wet-lab molecular biology. Model systems include yeast and human cell cultures, but will at some point also involve other organisms used in the department. Your project(s) may be entirely computational or entirely in the wet-lab, but ideally I like to see people get experience in both. Projects are placed around the lab’s major interest in protein expression regulation, with particular emphasis on translation regulation, rates of protein production and degradation, and the dynamic response of protein expression to outside stimuli.

Please inquire about possible projects via email. Joint projects with other PIs are also available and could be extra-fun to work on. If interested, please include in your email your CV, contact details of references and a brief description of your skills and specific research interests.

Post-doctoral Fellows

Post-doctoral research may include working in yeast, human cells, even C. elegans or other model organisms used in the department. Quantitative skills are highly desirable, as well as an interest in proteomics and its application to systems biology. Some potential research projects are computational and address, for example, further developments in the analysis of mass spectrometry data or integration of large-scale datasets. Other research areas include bench-work biology, for example in the form of molecular characterization of translation or protein degradation regulators. Of course, a post-doctoral researcher is expected to also initiate some projects of his/her own.

Interested candidates are always welcome to inquire.

Undergraduates, Summer Students, and Everyone Else

Undergraduate students are welcome to inquire about possible projects (preferably via email). Please describe in a couple of paragraphs why you are interested in working in this lab, which scientific research area has excited you recently and why, and what you think you will be doing five years from now. Please also describe your background and skills. Be sure to know that unless you can commit a good amount of time to research, there is no point in applying.

Potential summer students from outside the NYC area should inquire about work opportunities as soon as possible, i.e. several months in advance. One reason is that finding suitable accommodation can be cumbersome (but is possible). Otherwise, the same applies as for undergraduate students.

Everyone else is always welcome to check out the new and awesome building, the even newer and awesomer mass spec, and the rest of the lab. (Why would you want to see New York if you can hang out with an Orbitrap?)

Note: We are getting one or several requests per week from students who’d like to join the lab. To stand out, you really want to convince us why it is you who we want. 

Contact Address
New York University
Department of Biology
Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
12 Waverly Place, Office 403
New York, NY 10003

